Garden Growth

DSC_0043When the garden was finished in early December we sat down for a minute to enjoy it.  We had a party on New Year’s Eve Afternoon and shared our happiness with many friends.  Then we waited for things to grow.  The weather was mild, wonderful and perfect for growing.

Mom’s Iris

The Yellow Iris I brought from my Mom’s backdoor bloomed in vivid yellow.

Artichoke Flowers

Artichokes, Alyssum, Peppermint twist geraniums, all bloomed.


rocky point ice plant
Peppermint twist geraniums, & Hibiscus

The yellow rocky point ice plant took off and spread together to form a yellow wave of color.

DSC_0012The red carnations were in full bloom in the red bed, red flax and the red fairy duster, red penstomen also bloomed for the butterflies.

Yellow Bed

The yellow bed of yellow bells, Arizona sunset lantana, gilardia  all began to flower.

Spider Lily

DSC_0155 The white bed bloomed with white cyclamen for 4 months but when the heat set in I replaced them with white vinca.  The african white spider lily also bloomed


Measure Twice–Compass

Rich decided we need a few other improvements.  He created the “measure twice” compass piece.  These are the poles to place into the umbrella stands which will hold the party lights for evening entertaining.

Archemedes Screw Flower w JD Plant’r flowers


The hose bib looked a bit lonely all by itself as a single flower so Rich created a bouquet to add to the mix.

Three Octahedrons


Then Rich saw an interesting octahedron, which has 8 sides or faces and each side equal lateral triangle.  The opposite sides are parallel.  So he wanted to see if he could make it and he did, 3 times.  We had them painted to match the colors in the bloom of the Red Bird of Paradise.

Sunning Snails

The snails found a spot on the bench by the bell.

Old horse shoes became a butterfly

A butterfly landed in a shady spot.

Umbrella stands

The umbrella baskets have made it convenient to have abundant shade on the side patio.

Macho Mocha Manfreda bloom stalk

DSC_0008Close up of the Manfreda flower.

Privacy Screen w/ copper hearts, green glass hearts and beads

The privacy screen separates the workshop space from the garden.

Second hose flower serves as hose holder

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