Presentations made include:
Weeders Garden Club
Dobson Women’s Club
Tempe Garden Club
Ahwatukee Garden
RECOM City of Mesa
Kingman Garden Club
Osher Lifelong Learning, Indiana State U.
Prescott: Alta Vista Garden Club
Dobson Ranch Garden Club
Category: Programs
Presentation to RECOM
Speaker–Linda Larson at March 16 meeting
Linda Larson, a lifelong lover of flowers, remembers the daffodils lining the small stone path to her grandmother’s door. She grew up on a farm in central Indiana and not only pulled weeds out of the Peonies each summer, but the nightshade out of her father’s soybean fields.
A Traveling Gardener, Linda Larson
Linda Larson is a regular contributor for Roots & Shoots, writing for the monthly column, “Traveling Gardener.” The articles reflect her passion for combining two of her favorite pastimes – travel and gardening. After graduating from Indiana State University with a Master’s degree in Audio/Visual Communications, she went on to make her home in Mesa, AZ, teaching public speaking at Mesa College. Nearing retirement from teaching, she has begun an entirely new career – encouraging audiences to discover the beauty and enjoyment of public gardens at home and in their travels.