When your garden is located in a climate of 30 days of temperatures at or over 110 degrees, it’s tough to want to do any creative gardening. I wander about with my watering can most mornings when it’s only 89 degrees. Yes, it’s a dry heat, and I mostly appreciate that, but it isn’t pleasant. No monsoon rains in sight, plants covered with shade cloth, we must wait it out.

Except for this idea I had, it isn’t original, though really, what ideas are today? In traveling, I saw this succulent arrangement for sale at a nursery. It was so cute, bits of broken pots positioned in a wok pot with succulents growing out the top. So, remembering this and having a small broken clay pot and some succulents that needed trimming, stones, and soil, I decided to try it.

I placed the pots too high right from the start but didn’t realize it until I finished. I wanted a way to separate the stones from the soil so I could lift the stones out easily. I have a collection of the mesh sacks that bulbs and onions come it so I cut one open and then used floral pins to secure the mesh into place.

Then I trimmed some lanky succulents with a small stem still attached and positioned them into the pots.

I needed to place more of the mesh for the top of the pot, so I removed the plants and pinned in more of the mesh.

Then the plants were back into place added the rocks to create sky & clouds.

But I like it, and when it finally cools down some, I may redo it. Still, here’s an idea for you if you really want to do something in the garden now.