The Parnell Rose Garden overlooks Mechanics Bay in Auckland, NZ. Arriving here on a rainy day it seems repetitive to visit another rose garden. Yet here it overlooks the bay, there are sailboats out on the water and a Golden Retriever is sitting on a bench under a tree. The roses are flowering, slightly beaten down by the rain and the first rose I see is purple. A true purple floribunda, not a wine color red, nor the lavender rose I’ve seen before. There wasn’t a label for the color but the deep color petals were purple. I was quite intrigued by the shade. But then I’m fond of purple and as I walked about the garden I found more purples to enjoy.
The best was a two tone sweet pea with a beautiful scent. The lavender and purple blossom intertwined with a climbing pink rose in the Nancy Steen Memorial Garden. Steen a noted NZ rosarian has a beautiful garden dedicated to her work with heritage roses.
In the Auckland Wintergarden conservatories, I found more purple to enjoy. An orchid with spots and a grand leafy plant that I’ve seen before, but don’t have the name for (can anyone help me here?) Update: One of my readers just came through, this is Persian Shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus) Thank you Tika!
Then a few days ago when I visited Penny & Rowan’s garden “The Paddocks” I saw a wonderful purple scabious annual blooming in her border.
There is a wonderful purple Aeonium succulent that appears in gardens everywhere.
Purple smoke trees, sprinkled with rain drops were beautiful in the Trelinnoe Park.
Dark color foliage helps create depth and interest in a mixed border. Years ago I detested purple, today I run toward it and want in my wardrobe and my garden. All of these plants would be welcome in my garden. What about yours?
I so love your garden tours …
I definitely need to go back to NZ, I’ve missed some gardens!
I grew that purple accented leafed plant in WA years ago, I believe it is called Persian Shield.
Thank-you for sharing your garden explorations.
Thanks so much for the plant id!
I love smoke trees. Such fun to see your photos. And the dog on
the bench is a treasure.