A Passion for Purple

20161210auckland15929The Parnell Rose Garden overlooks Mechanics Bay in Auckland, NZ.  Arriving here on a rainy day it seems repetitive to visit another rose garden. Yet here it overlooks the bay, there are sailboats out on the water and a Golden Retriever is sitting on a bench under a tree.  20161210auckland16058The roses are flowering, slightly beaten down by the rain and the first rose I see is purple.  A true purple floribunda, not a wine color red, nor the lavender rose I’ve seen before.  20161210auckland16059There wasn’t a label for the color but the deep color petals were purple.  I was quite intrigued by the shade.  But then I’m fond of purple and as I walked about the garden I found more purples to enjoy.

20161210auckland16086The best was a two tone sweet pea with a beautiful scent. The lavender and purple blossom intertwined with a climbing pink rose in the Nancy Steen Memorial Garden.  Steen a noted NZ rosarian has a beautiful garden dedicated to her work with heritage roses.

20161210auckland16043In the Auckland Wintergarden conservatories, I found more purple to enjoy. An orchid with spots and a grand leafy plant that I’ve seen before, 20161210auckland16149but don’t have the name for (can anyone help me here?) Update: One of my readers just came through, this is Persian Shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus) Thank you Tika!

20161206untitled-shoot14270Then a few days ago when I visited Penny & Rowan’s garden “The Paddocks” I saw a wonderful purple scabious annual blooming in her border.


There is a wonderful purple Aeonium succulent that appears in gardens everywhere.

20161203botanic-n13147Purple smoke trees, sprinkled with rain drops were beautiful in the Trelinnoe Park.

Dark color foliage helps create depth and interest in a mixed border.  Years ago I detested purple, today I run toward it and want in my wardrobe and my garden. All of these plants would be welcome in my garden.  What about yours?

3 thoughts on “A Passion for Purple”

  1. I so love your garden tours …
    I definitely need to go back to NZ, I’ve missed some gardens!
    I grew that purple accented leafed plant in WA years ago, I believe it is called Persian Shield.
    Thank-you for sharing your garden explorations.

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