The majestic mountains are so big, the sky so wide and the view in every direction is spectacular. Exploring the Grand Tetons is an experience of grand proportions. It is easy to miss the wildflowers surviving in this dry climate under a bright summer sun. Yet the flowers are there, in yellow, purple, red and white.
When I think of the early settlers attempting to live in this area during 1880’s struggling to irrigate crops, raise cattle, grow a few vegetables to feed the family. Flowers would be a luxury unavailable in such difficult conditions. I imagine the joy the family might experience when yellow daisy type flowers spread among the sagebrush. Stems of pink clover and purple aster provided color, beauty and a sign of hope in a challenging world. A small bouquet brought inside to grace a table would have made a very special day. These same flowers today may be easily overlooked by travelers scanning the vistas but there beauty is an integral part of this beautiful place.