I was walking the red brick sidewalks of Germantown near downtown Columbus, OH when I stopped mid-step. Before me, evidence of a passionate plants person appeared. Gardeners can’t hide their enthusiasm for life, they reveal themselves, with flowering vines leaking out through the fence,
colorful foliage shooting up from the ground and hanging baskets blooming at eye level. All of these things appeared in front of a small red brick house on the corner of the street. This location allowed for a long walk of loveliness passing a brown wooden fence hosting vining Mandevilla and backing vivid coleus planted in ground. Deep blue pots tiered on artistic stands were filled with plants.
I was spellbound and then I was delighted to see that Paul Schrader, the gardener, was working on his front flower bed! How could I be so lucky to be here at this moment, to be able to chat with this incredible gardener? This was early June and Paul explained that really his garden just wasn’t quite finished yet as the spring weather had been so unpredictable he was still waiting for some special order plants to arrive to add them to the mix.
He invited me into his back patio where a water fountain, an antique urn, and more blue pots set the scene.
Paul plants 130 Mandevilla each year, he grows many varieties of hibiscus, begonias and more. Paul likes unique plants and showed me his Chinese perfume plant, Ylang, Ylang, which would bloom with a fragrant chartreuse flower later in the summer. He gave me a taste of his Parcel (combination of parsley & celery flavors) herb, and a mushroom flavored herb.
He grows a popcorn plant and succulents. He showed me a feature article done by Ohio Gardener magazine about his garden. The photos show the extent of his gardening skill as the plants I was looking at in early June would grow to fill in every nook and cranny in his garden. It was marvelous, it was beautiful in every way. Gardeners are generous in every way.
Germantown was settled in the early 1800’s when immigrants found their way here bringing with them their love of small brick houses, nestled closely together, their beer brewing skills, sausage making and a love of gardening. Anti-German sentiments after WW1 & WW2 were significant but the community identity and spirit is thriving today. There are many lovely small gardens in the area though the lot size limits what can be done.
Community parks offer more green space and Paul directed me to Fetch Park, a small community garden space which is cared for by the local garden club of which he is a member. Things grow splendidly in Ohio, though the winters can be harsh when the sun comes out in the spring the gardeners set to work. The beauty that can be achieved is certainly evident in Paul’s garden.
Here are some other great elements in Paul’s garden.
This was a wonderful visit for me. We walked by this garden on our way to dinner the night before. The next day as we were leaving we drove by again and had the great fortune to see Paul working in his garden. We parked illegally, and I ran over for a closer look.
I’ve found a video of Paul’s garden when it is later in the season, less than 2 minutes if you want to take a look.
Paul recently won The President’s Award “Every year the German Village Society awards the President’s Award to the individual, organization, or business entity who has made an outstanding contribution to the historic, architectural, or aesthetic character of German Village and to the community’s way of life.”
I have just seen an enchanting movie (“Won’t you be my neighbor?”) and wish that Paul was my neighbor (along with Mr. Rogers, of course). How fortunate our world is to have Paul to share its wonders and Linda to record them. (By the way, dear readers, if you haven’t visited Linda and Rich’s home and garden in a “normal” subdivision in Mesa, you need to plan a trip!)
This is so inspirational! Gems to serendipitously find in our world. Hello to you all — Linda, Rich, and Paul.
I so look forward to Linda’s reports on her trips. There is always something to learn and try.
He’s my neighbor! Lucky for me to be able to enjoy his garden year after year.
Indeed how lucky you are! I loved the gorgeous shades of green I found in Ohio gardens. I hope you are having a flowering summer.
It’s January 2022 and I am making plans for this years garden. I have two small greenhouses on the patio filled with Cajun Hibiscus and a few rare tropicals that keep me a little busy during the Ohio winter. Greenhouses are taken down in late April. Wishing all gardeners and Linda and Rich a Happy New Year and please stop by again should you travel this way.
We would love to come see your garden again!
Just stopped by to look at flowers before the frost of fall comes.We were able to meet Paul had a conversation about his gardening what a interesting and nice person.I would recommend to see in the summer months!