Speaker Reviews and Comments

Outstanding Speaker

November 6, 2022

23 February 2015

Linda Larson is an outstanding speaker on gardens and every aspect about them. Her presentations are obviously well-researched and are a visual treat as they feature excellent photos of the places she is discussing. As a novice to the art of gardening, it is very helpful to hear about all the benefits of gardens and garden in addition to the obvious love of nature. I come away looking forward to the next opportunity to enjoy a garden, however big or grand, and wanting to start a pot garden of my own. I wholeheartedly recommend Ms. Larson as a speaker because any audience will not only be visually and orally entertained and stimulated, they will also have learned some invaluable life lessons.

Avatar for Betsy Hertzler,
Betsy Hertzler,

Presentation for New Frontiers

November 6, 2022

22 February 2015

Linda gave an hour presentation for our group of about 50 people yesterday. She was very articulate, had gorgeous pictures of various gardens, and included inspirational ideas for our group. She also provided a handout for further exploration of various gardens for our members to visit and enjoy. Fantastic job!

Avatar for Lucille Houston, speaker coordinator
Lucille Houston, speaker coordinator

The Art of Gardening

November 6, 2022

11 December 2014

Part travelogue, part art history class, Linda creatively explores the timeless relationship between art and gardening. Her thoughts come alive through vivid photography captured on visits to noteworthy gardens throughout the world. She and her photographer husband have a keen eye for details that make gardens so rewarding. I especially liked her final thought:

“A garden is a work of h-e-A-R-T.”

Avatar for Susan Salembier,
Susan Salembier,

Remarkable Trees

November 6, 2022

20 July 2014

Linda’s presentation was informative, professional and spiritual. The usual chatty group of gardeners sat spellbound throughout. Stunning photos compliment Linda’s flawless performance. A most remarkable experience!

Avatar for Carol Parrott,
Carol Parrott,

Great Presentations

November 6, 2022

12 July 2014

I have had the privilege of hearing several of Linda’s presentations over the past few years, the most recent being the “Remarkable Trees” given at the 2014 Pacific Region Convention in Coeur d’ Alene, ID. It is obvious that Linda develops her programs with careful research and an inordinate amount of detail. As editor of the AZ Federation of Garden Clubs Greenleaf Bulletin, I called upon Linda to write a byline each issue and she never failed to provide a wonderful article. Linda’s extensive travels and excellent speaking ability makes her a great speaker for any garden subject.

Avatar for Judy Tolbert, editor of the AZ Federation of Garden Clubs Greenleaf Bulletin
Judy Tolbert, editor of the AZ Federation of Garden Clubs Greenleaf Bulletin

The Art of Gardening

November 6, 2022

8 May 2014

Linda Larson’s most recent presentation is another gem of an experience for lucky audiences. By weaving together gardens and works of art, listeners will be able to reflect on both in new and novel ways, allowing them to both see their own gardens as creations of works of art and the works of art showcased in the presentation as mirrors of gardens. I have been privileged to hear all four of Linda’s presentations, and each is different and excellent. Together, the four programs form a quartet of inspiring, informed, and deeply enjoyable experiences of stunning photography, knowledgeable commentary, and inspiring ideas. They are resonant with the power of nature and human appreciation of gardens and interaction and creation of them. Though certainly stand-alone programs, they would also make an excellent series.

Avatar for Marcia Melton,
Marcia Melton,

Delightful Program

November 6, 2022

7 April 2014

Linda Larson’s presentation of “Potting up Plants!” was delightful and informative. Our garden club is organizing a plant sale. We were inspired as she showed us photographs of the many potted plants she has seen as “The Traveling Gardener”. Well done, Linda, and many thanks for a very enjoyable program!

Avatar for Sheila Bryce, Tempe Garden Club, Tempe, AZ
Sheila Bryce, Tempe Garden Club, Tempe, AZ


November 6, 2022

7 April 2014

I recently saw a presentation by Linda Larson that was given to the Tempe Garden Club. She is an outstanding speaker. I have heard her speak on other occasions and look forward to each opportunity.

Avatar for Kit Kelly,
Kit Kelly,

Something for everyone!

November 6, 2022

5 April 2014

At our Tempe (Arizona) Garden Club meeting in March, we heard a thoroughly entertaining and original presentation from Linda Larson. She spoke on “Potting Up Plants: A Story of a Flowerpot,” and she included lots of history, design, color, inspiration and gardens from around the world! The whole presentation was a treat, and she left us wanting more!

Avatar for Sara Jane Odneal,
Sara Jane Odneal,

A Nudge to Break Some New Ground

November 6, 2022

18 March 2014

How can a speaker stimulate the creativity of gardeners? Linda Larson’s most recent presentation, Potting Up, does just that. She has again assembled a marvelous series of photos drawn from gardens she has visited all over the world. They present a poetry of plants integrated into and set off by pots striking for their range of size, color, arrangement, and creative repurposing. Just when it would be tempting to copy a particular arrangement or idea, she moves on to something entirely different but just as delightful. As with her earlier presentation Trees, Linda also communicates a love of the environment and a joy for the way we can cooperate with it and simultaneously beautify our living spaces. In the process she surprises with creative word play and humor. I, like those I heard around me, ended with a desire to rush out to see my own garden and its possibilities with fresh eyes. I highly recommend finding a way to enjoy this presentation and then respond with your own creative marriage of plants and pots. We will all be better for it.

Avatar for Pat Schutjer,
Pat Schutjer,

Potting Up Plants

November 6, 2022

28 February 2014

A couple of years ago I ended up at Seattle’s Northwest Flower & Garden Show with my wife. Turns out I really enjoyed it ! This year I again attended and accompanied her to presentation by Linda Larson on “Potting Up Plants” . I really enjoyed Linda’s presentation. It was very informative and the visuals were great.

Avatar for Potting up Plants
Potting up Plants

Potting Up Plants

November 6, 2022

24 February 2014

Wow! Who knew garden pots could be so interesting. I just heard the

“Potting Up Plants” presentation by Linda at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show. The photos of

pots in gardens throughout the world were breathtaking. And her

research was impeccable. I certainly will never look at a garden pot in the same way. I’m inspired to move some pots in my garden and, of course, shop for a few more.

Avatar for Donna Chapman,
Donna Chapman,

Eye opening and inspirational

November 6, 2022

21 February 2014

Linda’s presentation, Potting Up Plants was a vivid and entertaining history lesson on the role of containers in transporting species around the world. It was also a richly illustrated presentation on myriad styles, textures and shapes of what we think of as a humble flower pot. A great presentation.

Avatar for Susan Sparks,
Susan Sparks,

Transforming the mundane

November 6, 2022

20 February 2014

In Linda’s Potting Up Plants presentation, she turns seemingly mundane items (pots) into things to be treasured. Her renewed look into “pots” was insightful and remarkable, backed up by wonderful visuals.

Avatar for Susan Salembier,
Susan Salembier,


November 6, 2022

4 June 2013

Ms. Larson spoke to our large lifelong learning group and was outstanding. Not only her knowledge and preparation but also her sense of humor charmed everyone. I heard many comments from the audience, but one in particular: “When can she come back?”

Avatar for Sheron Jeanenne Dailey,
Sheron Jeanenne Dailey,

Tempe Garden Club

November 6, 2022

Linda gave an excellent presentation on trees. She is an excellent speaker and very knowledgeable. Her power point presentation was great.

Avatar for Elaine Brown,
Elaine Brown,

Extraordinary Trees

November 6, 2022

Linda Larson gave our Garden Club a very interesting, informative, inspiring program on Trees. Linda spoke of the physical, emotional and spiritual ways that trees benefit our lives. The photography was outstanding. Linda is quite a knowledgeable, entertaining speaker, and I recommend her highly.

Josephine Vincze, Tempe Garden Club

Avatar for Josephine Vincze
Josephine Vincze

Excellent speaker!

November 6, 2022

Linda’s container gardening talk is well-honed, expansive, and suitable for any garden audience regardless of region. It is a great 50-minute history of containers illustrated with high-quality images from gardens around the world. I recommend her highly.

Avatar for Scott Calhoun
Scott Calhoun

Containers Extraordinaire

November 6, 2022

Linda Larson gave an informative, interesting and very entertaining presentation about the history of containers and their usage and relevance to daily life throughout history at our Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs Annual Fundraiser February, 2013. Her deivery was fluent and the photography was outstanding.

Marcie Brooks, President of Desert Designers Garden Club and a National Garden Clubs Life Flower Show Judge

Avatar for Marcie Brooks
Marcie Brooks

Traveling Gardener

November 6, 2022

Linda Larson is a gifted presenter who pairs stunning photos with an inspiring message. Linda is a Master Gardener and Garden Club member who delivers an unforgettable presentation with universal appeal. Arizona is truly blessed to claim Linda as their own.

Carol Parrott, Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs President 2011-2013

Avatar for Carol Parrott
Carol Parrott


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