Gratitude for Gardens

In this week of Thanksgiving I realize again how grateful I am for gardens.  In this world of war, wild weather, and wandering refugees it is hard to see solutions to such complex problems.  Yet at this very moment I am lucky enough to be able to step outside my home and walk in my garden. I have a place to sit with the people I love, where I can see the sky and be warmed by the sun.   Delighted by wild canaries flying through the view, a light breeze rustles the leaves on the olive trees, and a wind chime plays a trio of notes.  I have clean water for my plants and for my family....   Continue Reading

Yellow Season

It is yellow season in the Desert Southwest.  It is that brief time between our short spring and very long hot summer when yellow flowering plants seem to be everywhere. No plant announces this season more beautifully than the Palo Verde tree in full bloom.   The small yellow flowers are like spring rain drops suspended in the air letting you see the spray of thousands of petals.  In the city the yellow trees are  scattered about, in neighborhoods one glorious tree after another is in bloom.  In the shopping and resort areas the landscape design marches them around the perimeter in symmetrical groves surrounding the architecture....   Continue Reading

Garden Conservatory – A Crystal Palace

It is citrus season.  Outside my door the oranges are ripening on an overloaded tree providing a surplus of the sweet fruit. If you don’t have a tree right outside your door, you can still find an abundance of the succulent fruit right down the street at your supermarket....   Continue Reading

The Artichoke Project

Late last November I planted two Artichoke plants in a sunny spot in one of my new flower beds. I wanted something to grow fast and add some variety of color and shape to my view. They grew beautifully! By March their silvery-green leaves spiked up vigorously at both ends of the bed providing a framework for the smaller plants between them. The end of each symmetrical leaf was punctuated with a fine thistle tip....   Continue Reading

Changing the View

September to December

If you ever indulge yourself in the Home and Garden TV fantasy experience of an entire remodel in less than an hour you realize, in more rational moments, life isn’t like that.  Living through a major garden redesign is one of those events that remind you what reality really looks and feels like....   Continue Reading