Celebrating Flora

Celebrating Flora

In ancient times much of the world paused from their work to celebrate flowers.  The Roman Goddess Flora was celebrated in the spring.   A Maypole was erected,with ribbons streaming down, hands reached up and the dancing began.  Young women wore crowns of flowers in their hair. The beauty of life, flowers and fertility was thoroughly celebrated with the hope of a great harvest in the Fall.  The celebration lasted several days with games, performances, feasting and drinking....   Continue Reading

Landscape art

Painting in plants creates art.  This art is the highlight of the Jardin Botanico in Madeira, Portugal.  Landscape design is a combination of texture, color, structure, climate and patience.  An artist working in oil must allow time for the canvas to completely dry.  The garden painter working with a palate of plants must wait for the art to grow....   Continue Reading

One minute composition

Once I watched a tourist video the still photos in a hotel lobby.  I wondered how those images would be used to relive that moment of the trip.  Sometimes it seems the world is looking through a viewfinder and missing the view.  I am as guilty of the photo obsession as anyone.  Only 24 days into a 35 day journey and Rich and I have shot nearly 6000 images.  Scanning through the collection I found my reward in the following images.  None of these subjects will last beyond the brief moment when we were there.  All were beauty worth capturing....   Continue Reading

Risco Bella Gardens

Love and passion make a powerful combination.  A Belgium man deeply in love with his wife and passionate about gardening built a five level garden encompassing eight acres on the island of Tenerife as a gift to his wife.  Nearly 40 years ago, in the early 70’s both he and his beloved wife had died and this incredible garden was left in the care of their two daughters....   Continue Reading

Fiesta de Flor

Flowers are everywhere in Madeira.  This island has a perfect climate, warmed by Atlantic currents in the winter and cooled by trade winds in summer. This island celebrates flowers, friendship, food and the art of life every April. The town puts out carpets of flowers for visitors and residents to enjoy.  Patterns and paintings done only with flowers run down the center of the cobblestone sidewalks....   Continue Reading